Thursday, December 23, 2010

The 1887 World Series: Not Discouraged As Yet

The sixth game of the championship series has been played, and Detroit has won four to the Browns two. The chief weakness of the Browns, so far, has been at the bat. O'Neill has an average of less than .300, and Caruthers leads with .347. In fielding, too, the team average is only .906. Then, too, they have but one pitcher who can fool Detroit, that one being Caruthers. Caruthers is certainly playing a great game, batting and pitching as he never has before. Gleason has been playing a very poor game, and it is probable that he will be laid off Monday, Lyons being put at third and Latham at short. The dude is playing great ball and is the favorite of the audiences in whatever city he visits. His chatter keeps every one in a good humor. The Browns are not discouraged as yet, and trust to pull out ahead. Caruthers will pitch again Monday, and may go in Tuesday if his arm is all right. The Browns occupied a box at the Academy of Music to-night. They play in Brooklyn to-morrow, and leave to-morrow night for Philadelphia.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 16, 1887

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