Sunday, December 26, 2010

The 1887 World Series: More On Game Six

The score in the series for the world's championship now stands: Detroit, 4; St. Louis, 2. In the record the two shut-outs of the association champions should add to the prestige of the league champions.

The game at the Polo grounds to-day was played under circumstances to impel the players to do their best work. The spectators who came only to see a good game of base ball, without friend or favor, numbered 10,000. They were not disappointed. They expected to see the St. Louis men make a closer fight than they did, but as they witnessed the splendid fielding exhibition of the Straits City club and the wonderful pitching of their Getzein, they could only admit that the victors were invincible, this day, and St. Louis must wait till some other day.

To Getzein belongs the principal record of the victory. His delivery was too much for the ordinarily clever batters in the opposing team. When it is considered that of the whole nine from St. Louis only two men made clean hits, and those in the last inning, it will be seen that Getzein was out as a pitcher, and got there.

On the other hand, Foutz was hit frequently and hard, and, while the Detroits earned six of their nine runs, the support Dave received at certain periods was discouraging. Even Bushong, the reliable, was away off in his throwing to bases, and Gleason and Robinson, though the latter did generally good work, made mistakes that saddened the crowd, as well as Foutz. Funny Latham was funnier than usual. He made several remarks that caused the crowd to laugh, and once when he urged Bushong to "throw the ball to second, with smoke on it," even Foutz had to smile.
-The Daily Inter Ocean, October 16, 1887

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