Sunday, April 18, 2010

Checking The Standings With Two To Play

Owing to the withdrawal of the Mutuals and bankruptcy of the Athletics, there has been a new deal in the race for the League pennant, and one that has affected the St. Louis and Boston Clubs more than any of their rivals. Last week Chicago secured the championship by winning the last two games which she had to play, and St. Louis would have been pretty sure of second place had she won, instead of lost, the game with Hartford yesterday. As it is, the question of second and third places will remain in doubt for another week at least. St. Louis is now two games ahead of Hartford, and has two to play with Boston and one with Cincinnati, while Hartford has two each to play with Boston, Cincinnati and Louisville. Louisville and Boston are also fighting fiercely for fourth place, with the chances greatly in favor of the Red Legs.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 1, 1876

While the Globe mentions a game with Cincinnati, according to the records, that game was never played. I'll see if I can find a reason for that.

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