Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lively Times

Among the visitors to the Union Grounds yesterday was Joe Carr, who once held a place in the directory of the original Brown Stocking team. "Why," said Mr. Carr, "I heard that these grounds were too small, and I expected to see a very small field, but you have all the room here you want. It's a splendid field and a magnificent stand."

The Cass Avenue Line intend putting away their bob-tails and running all double cars to the Union Grounds. Superintendent Cleveland, who visited the Lucas grounds yesterday, said: "We intend making lively times out here. Now we run out from the business portion to the Union Grounds in twenty-five minutes. We will soon reduce that time so that our cars will run out in twenty minutes."
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 4, 1884

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