Thursday, March 11, 2010

The 1876 Brown Stockings: Graffen Responds

To the Editor of the Chicago Times.

Chicago, August 22.-In to-day's issue of the Tribune there appears a special dispatch from St. Louis, purporting to give an account of the base ball game played between the Chicago and St. Louis clubs there yesterday. I desire space enough in your columns to pronounce every word of that account relating to the last half of the ninth inning absolutely false in every single particular, except the statement that "Battin had gone out on an easy fly." Every other item purporting to describe the play in that inning I pronounce an unqualified falsehood, and can prove the same by every member of the Chicago club. The special reporter of the Tribune was within a few feet of the writer of this during the entire game, and was overheard to remark that McGeary's obstruction of the ball was accidental.

He was been known to frequently excuse his virulent and exaggerated reports of games at St. Louis on the plea that he did it to "help business" in Chicago. I can not think that the people of this city, whose patronage of every class of respectable sport is proverbial for its liberality, will approve of the means thus adopted to secure their attendance at base ball games.

A word about Mr. Walker. He was nominated by Mr. Spalding, and I can safely say that he is a gentleman, and that a man more thoroughly intent on being honest never occupied the position.


S. Mason Graffen,
Manager Brown Stocking Club.

N.B.-I shall look in to-morrow's Tribune for a severe criticism upon Anson for willfully running into Pearce this afternoon in the fourth inning, preventing the latter from fielding the ball hit him by Hines.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 24, 1876

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