Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Organization of the Grand Avenue Club

A large number of gentlemen living on Grand avenue and vicinity, and interested in the National game, assembled at Mr. Solari's residence on Grand avenue, last evening, for the purpose of organizing an amateur club. The meeting was called to order by Mr. W.S. Parr. J.B. Woestman was elected Chairman and F.W. Brockmann Secretary.

On motion of some one present, it was resolved that the club should be known as the Grand Avenue Base Ball Club. On motion, the election of officers was entered into, and resulted as follows: President, J.B. Woestman; Vice-President, John Dunn; Secretary, F.W. Brockmann; Corresponding Secretary, L.C. Waite; Treasurer, August Solari. It was resolved that the officers above named be ordered to act as directors, with two others, which, after a ballot was taken, resulted in favor of W.S. Parr and C. Vonder Ahe.

The election of field captain and the adoption of by-laws and constitution was postponed until next Wednesday evening. The officers state that none but the best amateur players would be engaged, and that honesty would outweigh skill. among the players likely to be secured the following good ones have agreed to play: Harry Little, Bob Walsh, Bowles, McDonald, Whalen, Sullivan, Joe Solari, Parr, Welch and Dunn, with such big guns as Bradley, Miller, Pearce and Cuthbert as substitutes.

The Empires, Stocks, Atlantics and other St. Louis amateur clubs had better be up and doing, as the Grands mean business.

The club will be supported by voluntary contributions and gate receipts. The Grand Avenue Park will be secured for match games and practice. It is the intention of the officers to select their team at once and put them to work, in order to be in good playing trim as soon as possible. From the strong backing and the efficiency of the officers elected, the club ought to make a good record during this coming season. Over twenty-five gentlemen joined the club last evening, and it is expected that the number will be increased to over a hundred within a week.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, March 2, 1876

This is a second source confirming Chris Von der Ahe's involvement in baseball prior to 1881. While E.H. Tobias puts the organization of the Grand Avenue Club in 1875, he names the same officers, board of directors, and players.

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