Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Empire Club Soldiers On

An Amateur Base Ball Association, local to St. Louis, was perfected last evening, by a meeting of representatives from eight well-known amateur clubs. The Association, which is intended to succeed the old State organization, is founded upon principles almost similar to the professional League, and shuts out all the amateur clubs of this city excepting the eight whose representatives met last evening.

The meeting was held at Smith's Hall...and was called to order by Mr Frank Julian, of the Haymakers, who acted as Temporary Chairman, Mr. E.H. Greves performing the duties of Secretary.

A previous meeting had been held, and the plan of the organization made out and decided upon last Wednesday. Only eight clubs were to be admitted to membership, and the Atlantics, Athletics, Willows, Grand Avenues, Flyaways, Alerts, Empires and Haymakers were the ones selected...

Each club shall play with every other club a series of three games during the season, which commences about the 1st of April, and closes the 1st of November, and a record of all games shall be kept by the Secretary of the Association...The club winning the largest number of games shall be declared the champion, and awarded the pennant. A suitable emblem of some kind, signifying the fact, will also be given the champions. All games shall be arranged by the Judiciary Committee, and any club failing to play when required to do so shall forfeit the game to the other club by a score of 9 to 0.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 18, 1877

This is significant because it shows the Empire Club, which was still active in 1876, planning on fielding a nine for the 1877 season. In the Tobias letters covering the 1875 season, the insinuation is that the Empires didn't survive much past the 1875 season. By 1881, the club is being referred to in the Globe in the past tense. Therefore, based on this information, we can date the Empire Club's final season as having taken place between 1877 and 1880.

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