Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Guess Billy Redmon Was A Globe-Democrat Reader

To the Editor of the Globe-Democrat.

St. Louis, February 28, 1876.-Dear Sir: We notice, in your issue of the 27th, that the Red Stocking Base Ball Club have secured the gallant little "short stop," Redmond,...(and) also Galvin, the "home runner" and excellent pitcher. Your reporter must have been misinformed in regard to the above players, as they are both engaged on the Stocks Base Ball Club.

C.Y. Bachelder,
Manager Stocks B.B.C.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 29, 1876

The following note from Mr. Redmon, the excellent short stop player, explains itself:

To the Editor of the Globe-Democrat.

St. Louis, February 29, 1876.-Dear Sir: I notice a card in your issue of to-day from the manager of the Stocks Base Ball Club, stating that your reporter must be misinformed when he stated that I would play with the St. Louis Reds during the coming season, and that I had been engaged by the Stocks. Your reporter was right. I will play with the Reds, as I agreed to do last December.

W. Redmon.

One word in regard to Mr. Galvin, the St. Louis pitcher. Last Friday night one of our reporters dropped in at the Reds' headquarters, and not only saw Mr. Galvin sign papers to play with the Reds, but was asked to witness his signature, which he did. Of course, he might have jumped the Reds since then, as some of the ball players are rather slippery. One thing is certain-Galvin is a real good player, and no mistake.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, March 1, 1876


james e. brunson said...

Very funny!

Jeffrey Kittel said...

I aim to please.