Monday, September 7, 2009

Any Club That Gets Me Must Pay Me Big Money

Fred Dunlap, who has wanted his release from the Pittsburg National League Club for some time, will be allowed to go to-morrow. "I'm glad of it," he said to-day. "There's nothing behind this club, anyway. It can't live and pay big salaries. They expected too much of me. I wasn't playing such bad ball but they want to get rid of all the high-salaried men. Any club that gets me must pay me big money. They are paying off some of the men but are deducting for boxes of cigarettes and other little things given on trips. They owe me 500 'Simelions.' When paid I guess I'm through with them. Base-ball's done for in a good many towns. To further curtail expenses it is likely that Gray, Jones and Daniels will be released. The club has lost $13,000 so far this season."
-The Daily Inter Ocean, May 15, 1890

I really need to stop writing about Dunlap for awhile. At this point, even I'm finding him to be a rather unsympathetic figure.

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