Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Think They're Getting Jipped On The Fare

The Empire Base Ball Club leaves on Wednesday for Dubuque to enter the contest for the silver ball given by an agricultural society to the clubs of the Northwest to contend for. The Empire boys will show the clubs some fine playing, and St. Louisans expect they will bring the ball home with them. The round trip will be made for $18, and friends can have an opportunity to join them at the same price. We understand quite a number have availed themselves of this opportunity to visit Dubuque.
-St. Louis Daily Press, September 21, 1865

Eighteen bucks for a round trip ticket to Dubuque? Seems kind of pricey. According to the Historical Currency Converter (which I love to play with), that's $237 in today's dollars. I can take Amtrak to Davenport, round trip, tomorrow morning for $120. Not that there's a point to any of this.

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