Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The 1884 Maroons: Why Do You Build Me Up, Buttercup?

Dickerson played with the Baltimores yesterday at right field.  He will be expelled by the Unions for drunkenness.  Several days ago President Lucas announced that he was only waiting to locate him before expelling him.  He says there is now not a lusher on his nine and he will never have another.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, July 27, 1884

So Buttercup jumps the club.  He's gone.  Ain't coming back.  But, just as a matter of principle, we're going to expel  him for drunkenness.  Whatever.  And I love the part about how the Maroons on longer have any lushers on the club.  Without getting into the character of the players on the club on July 27, I will just point out that the newest member of the club got kicked off of his last team because he showed up late for a game, drunk and in the company of a couple of women of questionable character.  Just sayin'.

But, anyway, you should really watch this video.  It'll put a smile on your face:


That's just a great song.

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