Monday, March 28, 2011

The 1884 Maroons: Two More Clubs Are Wanted

A meeting of the Union Association of base ball clubs was held at the Bingham House this afternoon. Representatives of clubs in Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Washington and St. Louis were present. H.B. Bennett, of Washington, D.C., the President of the association, presided. Applications for admittance into the association were received from Lancaster, Pa., New York City, Richmond, Va., and Kingston, N.Y. They were referred to the Board of Directors for action. two more clubs are wanted to make the number eight, but preferences will be given the Brooklyn and Indianapolis clubs, both of which have promised to enter this association, providing they can not get into the American Association. The feeling among the gentlemen present at the meeting seemed unanimous as to the advisability of carrying on the association, and on a suggestion made by one of the delegates, each representative of a club present turned in $100 to W. Warren White, of Washington, D.C., the Secretary and Treasurer of the association, as a guarantee of the good faith of his club. This puts $600 in the treasury. The Baltimore, Chicago, Pittsburg and Washington clubs have already signed a part of their players, and it was reported that twenty-five other players had applied for positions on the teams. It was unanimously voted to hold to their original action in ignoring the reserve rule, although the contracts of any League or American Association clubs are to be respected, and no players approached with inducements until the term of his engagement with the club with which he is playing has expired. The association will meet again at the Bingham House about the middle of December.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 21, 1883

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