Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The 1884 Maroons: I Will Have No Trouble In Getting A First Class Nine Together

The new base ball club is a fruitful theme of conversation in professional and amateur ball circles, and numerous calculations and predictions are being made as to the personnel of the nine that it will place in the field next season. As early as yesterday noon some of the gossipers had the team all figured out. Among the players that were named as sure to be in it, in fact, already engaged, were Mullane and Deasley, of the St. Louis Club; Purceil, of the Philadelphias; Holbert, of the Metropolitans, and Carroll, of the Providence. In order to get at the facts, a Globe-Democrat reporter called on Henry V. Lucas at his office yesterday afternoon. That gentleman, when advised of the reports that were in circulation, referred to the matter as follows:

"You can say that all reports to the effect that I have engaged any player for my club are without foundation. I have got ground for a base ball park, and that is as far as I have gone at present. As for engaging players, first of all, I would not think of such a thing without consulting the gentleman who are to be associated with me in the club. Then, again, I am not foolish enough to engage players who are under obligations to clubs in the League and American Associations, for if I do I know that I will have to assume their fights individually and collectively, and consequently have both associations arrayed against me. I shall have the best nine I can get, but will not disregard the rules of any association or ask any player to violate his obligations. My opinion is that there will be plenty of players, and good ones, too, in the market a month from now, and that I will have no trouble in getting a first class nine together. We won't be stingy about salaries if we can get the men we want, but if we can't do any better we will run with an amateur team next season. One thing is a certainty: the ground we have engaged is going to be used next season as a ball park, even if it has to be run on a 10 cent admission plan."
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 26, 1883

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