Monday, December 21, 2009

Comiskey's Jackass

Charley Comiskey, the Browns' captain, brought a handsome (?) little jackass from the North with him. The other night the ass managed to get loose and was raising the mischief around the neighborhood of Sportsman's Park. Some one called to Charley and told him that his ass had broken his halter and was out in the street. Charley started out in search of his animal and thought that he saw him in a fence corner back of the park and made a lunge for him, but, alas, the dark object that the Browns' captain took for his mule was a large hole in the ground. This, I believe, is the first case on record where a man didn't know his mule from a hole in the ground. Comiskey was a little bruised in the fall, but he has fully recovered.
-Sporting Life, March 9, 1887

I don't know about you but I thought that was funny.

1 comment:

Cliff Blau said...

I thought that was funny, too.