Sunday, November 30, 2008

Charles A. Comiskey

Charles A. Comiskey is the youngest field captain probably of any professional team, and has no superior. He is a good coach and a favorite with his men. He is a native of Chicago, 24 years of age, and took his first lessons in ball-playing as a boy on the vacant lots around the city. His first professional engagement was with the Dubuque Club, where he played first base with Radbourn, the Gleason brothers, Carroll and other noted players. This club won the Northwestern League pennant in 1879, and in the same year beat every team that visited Dubuque. Comiskey remained with the club until 1882, when he came to St. Louis. As a first baseman he has few superiors, is a good, free, hard hitter, and an excellent base runner. Under his captaincy the discipline of the Browns has been excellent, and petty jealousies are unknown.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 8, 1885

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