I just put a bunch of my 19th century baseball photos online at Flickr. There's about 180 photos that I've gotten from various places on the interweb, including American Memory, the Rucker Archive, and the Spalding Collection. Most of the photos that I uploaded are St. Louis related and some I've already posted here at TGOG. I'm hoping to go through the rest of my photos and upload more over time.
You can find my 19th century baseball photo collection here.
Do you have any photograph of the 1875 Browns? I ask because I have for some time been looking for a photo of Tommy Miller, their catcher. Miller was with the club in early 1876 as a utility infielder, but never got in a League game and is not included in the usual group photo of that team.
The earliest photo of the Brown Stockings that I have is the 1876 NL team (although Spink misidentifies this picture as the 1875 team in The National Game). It's tough to find photographs of baseball in StL prior to that.
I'll keep a look out for pictures of Miller. I have some pictures of Philadelphia teams from the mid 70's but I'll have to check and see if I have the 1874 Athletics. If I find something, I'll send it to you.
I've been doing a little reading on the whole Miller controversy and hope to post something on him one of these days.
Miller only played a handful of games for the Athletics in 1874, at the end of the season when the Athletics' catcher was injured. He played the bulk of the season for the Eastons. I would be surprised to find him in an Athletics team photo. I would expect to see him in an Eastons team photo, but I don't know of any. Going from memory, he played in 1871 for the Marions and 1872 for the Olympics (yes, those Olympics: they fielded a co-op team in 1872 then changed their mind and went pure amateur for the rest of their existence).
The picture at http://www.flickr.com/photos/thisgameofgames/2130293360/ that you identify as Denny Lyons is more likely Harry Lyons, who was on St. Louis in 1888.
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