Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Rank And File Of 19th Century Major League Baseball

The Rank and File of 19th Century Major League Baseball is out and available at fine bookstores everywhere.  This a companion book to the two-volume Major League Baseball Profiles, 1871-1900, and includes a lot of great stuff that we were unable to get into the first two books.  Basically, it's volume three and, if you take the work as a whole, you have a fantastic reference source for 19th century baseball.  David Nemec has to be commended for the work he put in to get these books published and all of the contributors did a fantastic job.

My copy was waiting for me at home yesterday, after I got home from work, and the first thing I flipped open to was the entry for Packy Dillon.  I can't tell you how great it feels to see all the information about Patrick Henry Dillon that was entrusted to me by the Dillon family find its way into print.  Dillon is probably my favorite 19th century baseball player and it's really cool to see him get the recognition that he deserves. 

So go buy a copy because, let's face it, this is something you want and need.      

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