Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Few Quick Notes About Asa Smith

I'm in the process of writing a long piece on Asa Smith and thought I'd pass along a few things I dug up recently:

-The Daily Picayune, while reporting the death of Smith's mother on November 24, 1887, describes him as "one of the most popular young men in St. Louis" before his death in 1874.

-Sadly, Smith's brother Mark, an actor, died in Paris in August of 1874, just a few weeks after Asa drowned in Maine. It must have been a difficult summer for the Smith family.

-According to the Globe, there is a "marble shaft" at Bellefontaine Cemetery inscribed with the names of Asa Smith, whose body was never found, and Mark Smith, who was buried in Paris. This monument is located near the grave of their father, Sol Smith, and other members of the family.

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