Thursday, July 23, 2009

And I'm Not Done With The Subject Just Yet

Just before the above game commenced, the St. Louis Brown Stockings, in full uniform, appeared on the field. They had gone to Cumminsville, to play the Blue Stockings, but it seems that the latter had made arrangements for the game to come off to-day. The game, however, is off, and the Browns will, we understand, play the Ludlows to-day, and the Reds to-morrow. After practicing a while on the Blue Stocking Grounds, during which Dehlman, first baseman, had the misfortune to lose his pocket book, containing a sum of money and a railroad ticket, which he would like to have returned, the Browns retired in disgust, and visited the grounds of the Reds, where they were provided with pleasant seats to witness the game. Cuthbert, the center-fielder, was pressed into service to umpire the game, and gave perfect satisfaction.-[Cincinnati Gazette]
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, September 20, 1875

I think this is a rather amusing story about Herman Dehlman and also gives you a different view of what life on the road was like for a club during the period. It appears that the Browns had scheduled the game with the Blue Stockings on September 16. Also note that there is no mention of a game with Philadelphia.

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