Monday, October 3, 2011

The 1884 Maroons: An Opening Day Rainout

Rain interfered with arrangements at the Union Grounds yesterday, and the opening championship game between the St. Louis and Chicago Clubs was necessarily postponed until to-day.  Quite a crowd, notwithstanding the threatening weather, paid their way into the grounds and were given rain checks instead of a view of the game.  The Chicago boys, who little thought rain would come, at the last moment drove to the grounds in their regular uniforms, which are a handsome maroon, with old gold caps and stockings.  They were not only admired for the uniforms they wore, but for their stalwart appearance, two or three of the lot being six-footers.  To-day's game will be called at 3:30...
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 20, 1884

Rain?  In April?  In St. Louis?  Shocking.

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