Sunday, April 10, 2011

The 1884 Maroons: An Interview With Henry Lucas, Part Two

"The intention of the new League is to break down [the reserve rule] in a measure," said Mr. Lucas, "by affording players an opportunity of escape from its rigid conditions. We propose to play first-class men first class salaries, and if one place can afford to pay a good man more than another, why let him go where he can earn the most money. We don't care to make a wagon-load of wealth at the expense of the players, but are willing to let them share our prosperity."

"What is the outlook for the new League?"

"Very good indeed. We expect to have eight good, strong clubs in the field next season, Chicago, St. Louis, Washington, Richmond, Cincinnati, Hartford and possibly Indianapolis and Brooklyn will be represented. The last named cities recently made application for membership to the association and in case they are refused will join the new league. There seems to be a desire to make the undertaking a success and in case the association lives through one season the older associations will be compelled to do business with us in the future. But the St. Louis Union team will survive regardless of the fate of the other associations, and we will be ready to play ball with all comers. I am going East to-night and do not propose to stop until I have secured the strongest club ever presented in St. Louis.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 13, 1883

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