Saturday, February 18, 2012

The 1884 Maroons: Taylor Throws A One-Hitter

The St. Louis Union Club gained an easy victory over the Keystone nine to-day by a score of 6 to 0.  The visitors played a fine game in the field and bunched their hits in three innings.  The Keystone players found an enigma in Taylor's delivery, and but one safe hit was made off of him.  Only two of the home nine reached first base in the whole game.  The Keystone men made six errors, two of them bases on called balls, but their fielding was generally sharp.  The catching of Clements and Baker and the batting of Dunlap and Gleason were features.  The visitors scored two runs in the first inning on singles by Dunlap and Dickerson, a fielded hit and a wild pitch.  Gleason, Quinn and Dunlap made good hits in the seventh inning, but the two runs scored were let in on a muff of a thrown ball by Peak, on which he had an easy double play.  After two were out in the last inning, McCormick missed a foul fly.  Dunlap, Shaffer and Gleason followed with singles and Rowe hit the ball through McGinnis, two more runs being the result.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, July 1, 1884.

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