Wednesday, February 24, 2010

For The Sake of Common Decency And Suffering Humanity

Had the writer of the subjoined communication been in St. Louis yesterday afternoon, when this office was surrounded by hundreds of citizens, anxious to learn the news from Louisville, he might have formed some idea of the intense interest taken in the national game. If base-ball scores are an eye-sore to him, he can easily skip the sporting column and devote himself to the mass of useful and entertaining information contained in the other pages:

To the Editor of the Globe-Democrat:

Newman, Ill., August 10, 1876.-As a favor requested by many citizens of this city, I ask as a favor to please discontinue the publication of the "innings and outings" of the different base ball associations in your vicinity. This nation has barely gotten over the dreadful shock of the Beecher and Tilton scandal, and for the sake of common decency and suffering humanity (I mean those suffering from such degrading bores) we ask this favor. And will in conclusion say that we will pay just as much for your paper, and will read it with greater appreciation in the future than in the past, if these publications are discontinued at once. Very truly yours,

Frank Wells,
In behalf of his many friends.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 11, 1876

I now know more than I've ever wanted to know about the Beecher-Tilton scandal. For those who want some of the salacious details, I provide links. My favorite thing that I've read recently: "The Beecher-Tilton scandal is an example of a nineteenth-century scandal that did not involve murder." Having spent the last several years reading nineteenth century newspapers, I can attest that that is a true statement.


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