Sunday, June 21, 2009

The First Hint Of Lucas' Plan

For some time past rumors of a new local base ball organization have been in circulation, but nothing beyond vague intimations of undefined efforts to revive the old Stocks Park as an active ball field came to the surface. That there were efforts in that direction is vouched for by persons who were solicited to interest themselves in the project. That they have been discontinued is vouched for by persons who were solicited to interest themselves in the project. That they have been discontinued is quite probable from the fact that nothing has been heard of them recently. Another movement, and one of recent origin, has, however, assumed a tangible form, and the Globe-Democrat is able to state positively that a new base ball club, with wealthy and liberal backing, is assured, and a plot of ground, 500 by 400 feet, situated on the southeast corner of Jefferson avenue and Dayton street, has been secured as the field of operations. The organization is not yet perfected, and will not be for a few weeks, but another month will see it established on a firm basis, and bidding for first-class base ball talent. Mr. Henry V. Lucas and a number of other young men of means and enterprise will control the new organization.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, October 23, 1883


Davi d Ball said...

Is it not the case that Lucas' club was organizing earlier in 1883 than this? I believe I remember reading notices in the press outside St. Louis concerning "the Lucas-Wainright club" already in late summer.

Jeffrey Kittel said...

It may very well be the case but this is the first mention of it that I found while poking around last week. I'll take another look at it and see what I can find. I'll try searching Ellis Wainright (who I coincidentally mention in tomorrow's post) and see what I come up with.