Sunday, October 24, 2010

The 1887 World Series: The Champions' Return

Next Saturday and Sunday the champion Browns will be at home, and will play the Clevelands. The brown-hosed boys should be granted a royal reception on this return trip, for it is a memorable one in their career, for they bring home with them for the third consecutive time the American Association pennant. A telegram received from Secretary Munson, of the Browns, yesterday, states the Browns will play an exhibition game at New York to-day. President Von der Ahe and President Stearns, of Detroit, held a conference at Philadelphia relative to the series of games for the world's championship, and it was decided that two of these games would be played in Philadelphia, one on the grounds of the Athletics, and the other on the grounds of the Philadelphias. It will therefore be seen that at least some of the games for the world's championship will be played in the East.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, September 11, 1887

The exhibition game in New York was, rather famously, never played. I'll get back to that in a couple of days because there are a few things bothering me about the incident that I want to talk about.

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