Thursday, June 30, 2011

All There Is In The Matter

To the Editor of the Globe-Democrat.
St. Louis, February 3, 1884.-Dear Sir: In your issue of to-day there is an intimation that Mr. Von der Ahe, President of the St. Louis Club, had been concerned in a "pool," whose object was to buy Mullane's services from the Lucas club. Now, without further argument in the matter, I wish to designate this as purely and entirely false, and its object can only be to injure Mr. Von der Ahe and his club in the good graces of the St. Louis public. Now, I desire to state all there is in the matter, so far as the St. Louis Club is concerned, and what connection it has had with the business, and I will leave nothing unsaid, so the public can draw its own inference.

The St. Louis club has known for weeks that Mullane would be glad to return to its service. Indeed, Mr. Von der Ahe was approached by friends of Mullane with intimations that all that was necessary was his consent and Tony would jump the Lucas contract in a moment. Further than this friends of Mr. Von der Ahe, knowing of the matter, have blamed him severely for not accepting the offer. He has consistently refused to treat with Mullane or his friends, as he declares he had made Mullane a bona fide offer, which he had seen fit to refuse after promising to accept it, and that he would have no further intercourse with him. On Wednesday last Mullane sent the following dispatch: "Have signed agreement to play in Toledo. Will you release me? Please send release at once." To which Mr. Von der Ahe replied: "St. Louis Club releases you from reservation." This ended the correspondence. The entire cost to the St. Louis Club of Mullane's purchase by the Toledo, if it can be called a purchase, was the cost of that telegram.

As to the intimation that there is any pool for the purchase of any Union Association players, I simply desire to say the St. Louis Club has no knowledge of it whatever.

Hoping you will publish this in justice to the St. Louis Club, which is doing all it can to furnish St. Louis base ball lovers with first-class sport during the season, I am very respectfully,

J.A. Williams
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 4, 1884

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anything That Savors Of Trickery

Tony Mullane's case was on yesterday, as on Saturday, the leading topic wherever there exists any interest in base ball. What a general favorite he is with local patrons of the national game not even his most ardent admirers realized until the present complications arose. It may be that it is because he is such a pronounced favorite that the means which contributed to his prospective loss to St. Louis are so unanimously condemned, but the fact that they are vigorously denounced is none the less suggestive, as it shows conclusively that the public opinion is diametrically opposed to anything that savors of trickery or intrigue in base ball affairs, regardless of whether it crops out in managerial or playing circles. That Mullane of his own volition, and without being influenced, decided to break his contract with the Lucas Club, no one who knows the man will believe.

Space is given to a card from J.A. Williams, Secretary of the St. Louis Club, in which he gives an official statement of President Von der Ahe's connection with the case, and denied that the St. Louis Club had any knowledge of any pool for the purchase of Union Association players. The Globe-Democrat did not state that there was a pool, but stated that such was the general acceptance of the case. What the Globe-Democrat did state was that the defection was the result of a matured scheme arranged within the American Association, and this it is prepared to maintain. Several weeks ago information concerning the scheme was confidentially communicated to a representative of this paper by a gentleman who is very nearly if not quite as well informed in American Association affairs as Secretary Williams, and, while the name of the gentleman will not be made public, Mr. Williams can learn it at any time he so desires. The gentleman referred to made a small bet with the reporter that Mullane would play at Toledo, and also stated that Mullane's release would be granted just as soon as he would agree to sign with the Toledo Club, and emphasized his remarks with, "Now, I know what I am talking about." The results bear out the assertion that he did know what he was talking about.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 4, 1884

I'll have Jimmy Williams' side of all of this tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A New Abuse

A new abuse has crept into the professional arena within the past year, and that is the open transfer of players from one club to another. We do not refer to cases where a player who has signed a contract with one club an then desires to get a release, and to do this induces the club he wants to change to pay a bonus for his release. What we have reference to is the actual bargin and sale of contracted players from one club to another without the consent of the professionals immediately concerned...This plan of course can be exended to include a whole team of players, who are thereby made to become a mere herd of base-ball cattle, as it were. This phase of the transfer business is simply a gross abuse, in violation of all equity and common justice. If it is not in direct opposition to the rules of the national agreement it should promptly made so. Of course if the player consents to this indiscriminate transfer of his services it ceases to be oppressive. But under the best view of the working of the system it is objectionable, and should not be encouraged.-[New York Clipper.]
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 3, 1884

This isn't really St. Louis related but, as we've been talking a lot about player movement, it seems relevant to consider what the Clipper had to say about all of that.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Return Of The Old Colors

The St. Louis Club will this season play in a handsome suit of white, with brown belts and stockings. The uniform will be the most tasteful ever shown in St. Louis, and the return of the old colors will doubtless be enthusiastically greeted by the admirers of the team.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 3, 1884

Well, this certainly raises a few questions. The quote from the Globe is clear about what the Browns uniforms looked like: white shirt and pants, brown belt and brown stockings. However, the photo that I've posted above is supposedly the 1884 St. Louis Browns and they sure aren't wearing white shirts and pants. Now, I also have photos that were identified as the 1883 and the 1885 Browns and both those clubs were wearing white.

I think there are a couple of possibilities here. First, the Globe could be wrong about the uniforms. Second, the photos are misidentified. The Globe mentions a return to "the old colors" which implies that the club wore white in the past, didn't wear white in 1883 and then returned to white uniforms in 1884. I have three photos, for three consecutive years, when the club wore white, then a dark uniform and then returned to white. It's possible that the team photos I have are for 1882, 1883 and 1884 rather than 1883, 1884 and 1885. The final possibility is that the club in the photo above is not the Browns at all.

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is here but something is amiss. Maybe someone with better eyes than me can take a look at the above photo and help us identify it. But at the moment, I don't feel that I can identify the early Browns' team photos with any accuracy.

Update: Both David Ball and David Nemec were kind enough to take a look at the above photograph and it is there opinion, which I share based on my confidence in their knowledge, that it's a picture of the 1887 Cleveland Blues and, therefore, not a picture of the 1884 St. Louis Browns. My thanks to both of those gentlemen for their help.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Result Of A Matured Scheme

The defection of Tony Mullane from the Union Association ranks is the topic of the day in base ball circles. It not only partakes of the nature of a sensation, but is engendering a strong feeling of partisanship, and leaves little room for doubt that the coming season will witness a vigorous war between the Lucas and St. Louis Clubs. The general acceptance of the case is that a pool was formed to deliberately purchase Mullane's dishonorable conduct, and so far as public sentiment is concerned it strongly condemns both the means and the end. It is useless to attempt to conceal the fact that the St. Louis Club management comes in for strong denunciation, the withholding of Mullane's release until it would subserve American Association ends, and the alacrity with which it was furnished when the Toledo Club asked it, being taken as conclusive evidence that they were parties to the questionable transaction. Judging by popular expression, if President Von der Ahe contributed anything toward a fund to be used to secure the breaking of Mullane's contract, he has made a costly mistake, and would do well to pay a considerably larger sum to recall that act. The extent of the interest manifested in the affair in business circles is actually incredible.

As stated in the Globe-Democrat yesterday, the defection of Mullane is positively the result of a matured scheme arranged within the American Association. Information to this effect was obtained some weeks ago from a gentleman closely identified with that association, and there can be no doubt of its authenticity. The scheme also comprehends the return of Bradley to the Athletic Club, which explains the intimations of the Commercial Gazette that that player will not pitch for the Cincinnati Unions. The project may be regarded as a judicious and commendable one among base ball managers, but among the patrons of the game it fails to commend itself, and if the legitimate result shall be, locally or generally, the disrepute of the national game, the managers will have only themselves to blame. Intrigue, trickery and bribery are not calculated to inspire public confidence.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 3, 1884

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Nothing Will Stop Me

Mr. Lucas arrived at his office shortly before noon to-day, and was besieged by a number of persons who were waiting to see him on various matters of business. When spoken to in regard to the Mullane business he said: "I have heard nothing officially and nothing beyond the rumors which have come to me. I can simply say that if there is anything in it, it will not stop me in the least, and I will have a pitcher at any cost. If Mullane had asked me for his release a month or six weeks ago I would have willingly given it to him, as I could have supplied myself then. If, however, he has jumped me, I will push the matter through. I will not receive his advance money, and I expect him to report for duty and to be here with the rest of the men as his contract calls for him. I have too much money in this venture to be turned aside now by any circumstance of that kind, and nothing will stop me. If Mullane comes on the field here with any other club I will stop him playing." Mr. Lucas did not appear much perturbed over the matter, and went to work complacently attending to other matters as though there was no such thing in the world as base ball worry.-[St. Louis Post-Dispatch.]
-Cleveland Herald, February 3, 1884

Friday, June 24, 2011

Things Of An Agnostic Tendency

Notwithstanding the increased interest among college students in base ball, chicken fighting and other things of an agnostic tendency, it seems that they have not entirely lost sight of religious matters. Recent statistics show that of 35,000 students in 170 colleges of the country, 14,000 are church members...
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 2, 1884

Heh. It's not everyday you see baseball and chicken fighting grouped together.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Defiant Lucas Responds

[Responding to the reports in the Cleveland Herald, Henry Lucas stated,] "I have received no notification that Mullane has deserted the club, and I do not believe he has signed a contract with the Toledo club. When he signed with me he showed more principle than others who agreed to sign and were influenced not to, and it seems impossible that he can have undergone so radical a change of character as the signing of a Toledo contract implies. However, I wish to assure you that the Lucas Club will in any event have a good nine in the field and play in the Union Association next summer. To do that we must have a good pitcher and catcher, and we are going to have them. You may say to the public that the arbitrary rules and dishonorable conduct of the League and American Association will not deter those who have invested their money in the Union Club here from carrying out their purposes. We will play ball this year, and not only this year, but the next, and will remain in the field after many of the League and American Association clubs have become things of the past. When my friends and myself invested our money in base ball we did not expect to have smooth sailing. We expected to meet obstacles, and resolved to surmount them; and you can be assured that we will go right along, whether Mullane remains with us or not."
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 2, 1884

Just another reminder that today is Ed Achorn's talk at the St. Louis Library on Lindbergh. Check yesterday's post for more details. I hope to post something in the next few days about how that went as well as some of the other things we're doing while Ed's in town. There might even be pictures.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just A Reminder

I just want to post this reminder that tomorrow is Ed Achorn's talk at the St. Louis Library on Lindbergh. Doors open at six. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lucas Don't Like It

The news that Tony Mullane had broken his contract with the St. Louis Union team and signed an affidavit to the effect that he would pitch for the Toledo Club, caused considerable commotion in local base ball circles to-day. Mullane some time ago had a talk with the manager of the club, that individual offering him $2,500, and $500 advance, for the season's play. This was what the St. Louis Unions paid him. He told the Toledo managers that he would accept this offer provided the St. Louis American club would release him from the reserve rule. The latter were willing to do this, and then Mullane sent back the advance money Lucas had given him, and also asked to be released from his contract. Subsequently, it is said, and good authority is given, Mullane signed the affidavit in which he took oath that he would play in Toledo next year. This is the whole and true story. When spoken to to-day concerning Mullane's action, Lucas said that he had received no authoritative notification to the effect that Mullane had signed the affidavit named. He added, "but, if he has done such a thing, has the time come for the Union Association to fight the enemy with his own weapons? If I lose Mullane I will have as good a man if I have to enter any of the associations fighting us."

The Mullane Deal Completed.

...Secretary Wikoff, of the American Association, has received notice that the St. Louis Base Ball Club has released Tony Mullane from reservation.
-Cleveland Herald, February 2, 1884

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mullane Repents

It developed in base ball circles to-day that Tony Mullane, who was the first to break the reserve rule by signing a contract with the Lucas Club, St. Louis, while on the reserve list of the St. Louis American Association Club, repents and will return the Lucas advance money. Mullane has been in Toledo for the past few days in company with Manager Morton, of the Toledo Club, and to-day agreed to sign a contract with the Toledo Club, if the proper release could be secured from St. Louis. As this had been previously arranged, the St. Louis Club was notified by telegraph, and an answer came back that the release would be forwarded to Secretary Wikoff, of Columbus, O., at once. The terms are the same as paid by Lucas, $2,500, with $500 advance. The advance paid him by Lucas will be returned to that person at once. Toledo is thus assured one of the best pitchers in the country. Mullane's action will be the sign for another outbreak of war between the three legitimate associations and the Unions, and is regarded here as sounding the death knell of the wreckers.
-Cleveland Herald, January 31, 1884

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Arm Daily

A dispatch just received here states that A.H. Henderson, of the Baltimore Union Association club, tonight signed one-armed Hugh Daily; price $3,100.
-Cleveland Herald, January 30, 1884

I'm posting this only because I wanted to mention that Daily, who actually played with the Maroons in 1885, struck out 483 batters in 1884. He was known as a guy with a bit of a temper and I almost posted something last week about a fight he got into with a teammate earlier in his career. It should also be mentioned that One Arm Daily actually had two arms but only one hand. But, again, 483 K's and I'm back to the thought of what kind of season Radbourne would have had in the UA in 1884.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Reserve Nine

The Lucas Club have now fifteen men under contract, which is as many as they want. The reserve nine is to be made up of the extra men with an installment of St. Louis amateurs who can play good ball. It is sheer nonsense to be stepping over good men at home and sending off for unknown experiments.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 27, 1884

Right. That worked really well for the Reds in 1875.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Uniform Of The Lucas Club

The uniform of the Lucas Club will be white suits with maroon caps and stockings. It will be one of the neatest and most attractive ever worn by any nine.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 27, 1884

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Best Of Everybody

"One of the oldest attendants at games in St. Louis is L.C. Waite, a reporter; or, as he is best known by the boys, Deary Waite. Last year he organized the St. Louis Reds, and one day, after they had sustained a terrible defeat, a friend caught hold of Waite's ear and [said:] 'Your team is very snide.' 'Yes, yes.' shouted Waite in return. 'Very fine. They would have won but that they were without their regular pitcher.' 'That pitcher they had,' said Waitey's friend, 'looked like a terrier. You ought to put a chain around his neck and sell him for a fighting dog.' 'Yes, yes,' said Waitey, 'they nearly killed him. We would have taken him out, but we hadn't any one to put in his place.' But when scoring, Waitey was the best of everybody. Questions hurled at all other scores never affect him, and in the midst of a regular uproar he is serenity itself, and his score card always looks near and clean."
-Cleveland Herald, January 22, 1884

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No Sunday Baseball For Scott

Milton Scott has backed out of his contract with the Lucas Club. He objects to Sunday playing and will return the advance money. He will probably play in Detroit. Bushong telegraphs from Paris to the Lucas Club that he will soon set up in business as a dentist, and will come to St. Louis if proper inducements are offered. [Note-Bushong always was a wag. But he is talking about dentistry and Lucas about ball playing. If Bushong plays ball next season, we repeat, it will be in Cleveland. He has so said and is a man of his word.]
-Cleveland Herald, January 22, 1884

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Will Be In St. Louis

President Lucas on Saturday last received a letter from Fred Dunlap. The great second baseman is in Philadelphia, and writes: "No matter what anybody says, if I am alive I will be in St. Louis when the season opens to play with your club, just as I contracted to."
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 21, 1884

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Ballpark For First-Class Amateur Clubs

A new base-ball park will be erected for the amateur clubs. The park will be located at the corner of Russell and Missouri avenues, and be of the same dimensions as the professional parks. It will be erected and maintained by a corporation to be known as the St. Louis Amateur Sporting Association. First-class amateur clubs are requested to send their address to C. Kargus, 1619 South Broadway, or G.D. Nischwitz, corner Miller and South Broadway, so as to make arrangements for the season, and assist an enterprise that ought to be patronized by the amateur clubs of this city.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 20, 1884

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Judas Association

The Union Club of St. Louis sends a cablegram to Bushong, who is now in Paris, offering him a very large salary to play in the Mound Citys next season.-[Cincinnati Enquirer. Bushong is not of the class of players that the Judas Association have dealt with. If he plays at all next season it will be in Cleveland. And, by the way, he is at Bordeaux, not Paris.]
-Cleveland Herald, January 18, 1884

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Rights Of Baseball Players

According to Judge Pershing, the base ball player is not a laborer within the meaning of the statutes giving laboreers a preference over other creditors in the distribution of an insolvent estate. There will be no disposition to find fault with this decision. The salaried base ball player is altogether too much of a professional man to share in the protection which the law extends to the manual laborer and mechanic.
-The North American, January 17, 1884

I thought this was really interesting and somewhat relevant to discussion at hand.

Lucas, when discussing the reserve rule and the decision to ignore it, talked about it in moral terms. He was essentially talking about the rights of man, broadly defined. He was talking about the right of a free man to ingage in free commerce and to sell or buy whatever property they had or were offered.

Just law defends and encourages these rights. While I don't know all the particulars about the case that's being discussed above, it doesn't appear that the law as applied was defending the rights of baseball players or their property. However, this does seem to fit right in with a hundred years of American jurisprudence which also failed to do so.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The St. Louis Baseball Historical Society Proudly Presents: Ed Achorn

Ed Achorn, author of the great Fifty-Nine in '84, will be in St. Louis on June 23rd and speaking at the St. Louis County Library. The St. Louis Baseball Historical Society, of which I am humbly involved, is one of the sponsors of the event. I am planning on attending and hope to see all of you there. It's going to be a lot of fun.

I haven't talked at all here about the StLBHS but it's one of the big projects that I'm involved in. Steve Pona is running the show and I've been helping out where I can to get it launched. I truly believe the StLBHS is going to be a major asset to the city of St. Louis and to the baseball research community. We have a lot of cool stuff planned and I'll talk about those as they come up. This particular event with Ed is pretty much the first public event that we're doing and I'm excited about it.

If you're interested in attending, I think the flyer at the top of the post has all the necessary information. Just click on it for a better view. Also, feel free to email me at and I can answer any questions you might have.

To The Last

We take occasion to state that Fred Dunlap has informed us most positively that no matter what other players may do, he, at least, will stick to his contract with the St. Louis Club to the last.-[Sporting Life. Dunlap told you what was false. He is already preparing to get away from St. Louis.]
-Cleveland Herald, January 16, 1884

It comes as no surprise to any of my four regular readers that I'm a bit obsessed with Fred Dunlap and the above quote from the always fantastic Herald is one of the reasons why Dunlap is such a fascinating character. They present two contradictory statements about Dunlap's intentions and both, given the nature of the man, are completely plausible. The stubborn Dunlap, always sensitive to what he believed to be his due, couldn't have cared less about what others were doing and would stick to his decision, damn the consequences. The calculating Dunlap, always practical when it came to taking actions that were in his best interest, couldn't have cared less about what others were doing and would have jumped his St. Louis contract in a heartbeat, damn the consequences.

What some may see as congnitive dissonance is just Dunlap being Dunlap and this is what makes him, in my opinion, the most interesting of all 19th century baseball players.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Characteristic Of The Young Man

The base ball situation is getting hotter...[The Union Association] is on the retreat now, with the old associations aggressive and pursuing. Corcoran's break will be followed ere long by the return of G.W. Bradley, Mike Mansell and Fred Dunlap to the Athletics, Alleghenys and Clevelands. I have it on the best authority that all these men are "weakening and would return but for shame..."

There is something going on. Dunlap is ready to leave the Union Association tomorrow if he can go where he wants to, at least he says so, and Cleveland is being urged to release him on the cry of "you cannot have him and must do your duty and snatch him away from the Union Association by giving him a release and letting him sign with us." At any rate this is treachery to Cleveland, by a number of the National group and won't work. Dunlap will play here, retire from base ball or go to the Union Association and be operated on by the Day resolution. But the parties who are with Dunlap, even if they succeed in their efforts to procure his release, would themselves be victims to a trick. Once released by Cleveland he would be free, and could go where he chose, or hang out and sell his services after the season opened to the highest bidder. The latter would be characteristic of the young man.
-Cleveland Herald, January 14, 1884

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Wish The Season Were Open Now

As far as my club is concerned [said Henry Lucas,] I now have fourteen men under contract and everyone of them has assured me that they will stick by their contracts. Dunlap and Schaffer have both written me expressing surprise at Corcoran's action, and authorizing me to contradict all stories to the effect that they are not coming here to play. Schaffer says if anybody thinks he won't be here I can bet $500 that he will, and draw on him at sight for the money. Sullivan has just engaged two men that I think well of-Scott and Roche. He says he brought out Comiskey, and he thinks Scott fully as promising as Comiskey was. I wish the season were open now. I am impatient to see the boys at work and the balls flying about.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 13, 1884

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dan Collins' Obit

Danny Collins' Last Home Run

Daniel J. Collins, better known as "Danny," has made a home run. The popular, good-humored and expert ball player died on Friday morning. Danny's last games were played with the Clarkes, but he was better known as the pitcher of the Lee, and one of the first to introduce curve pitching here. He was about twenty-nine years of age and has been playing ball since boyhood. He was change pitcher of the Chicagos for a year, played with the St. Louis Reds, and was at one time with the Milwaukee club. Danny was of an open handed, warm hearted disposition, and did not leave much to support his wife and three children after his death. It is suggested that a game be played for their benefit, and no doubt all of his fellow-players will volunteer to make the event attractive and successful.
-New Orleans Times-Picyune, September 21, 1883

Hat-tip to Paul Batesel, who was kind enough to pass this along to me. Much thanks to Paul.

Collins had an interesting stint with the Reds. He joined the club in late 1875, after their NA season had fallen apart, and jumped the club in August of 1876 to join Louisville, creating a bit of a scandal. In 1874, he was playing with the Empire Club and, after the Chicagos came through town and crushed all St. Louis opposition, he was signed by the White Stockings. Chicago's signing of Collins (and John Peters) was one of the factors that led to the creation of the Brown Stockings.

And this is a total coincidence but Collins' death in the fall of 1883 fits in with the period we're currently exploring. I love it when a plan comes together.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Too Brilliant

Fred Dunlap is said to have come to the conclusion that the Union Association is an unsafe one. He is sensible. The fact is that Dunlap is too brilliant a ball player to jeopardise his chances for the future in any wildcat scheme. Public opinion here is still with him. He is regarded as the best second-baseman in the land and will be welcomed back.
-Cleveland Herald, January 13, 1884

Setting aside the Herald's narrative of a Union Association in disarray, I feel it necessary to point out that they called Dunlap a brilliant ballplayer and the best second baseman in the game. And this was before his monster 1884 season. Remember: Never a legitimate star in a legitimate league.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Illigitimate Baseball Interests

Ted Sullivan, of St. Louis, has been hanging on the outskirts of the [Northwestern League] convention [in Chicago] to pick up men for the Union Association. He has signed two inferior players. During the past twenty-four hours the Union Association has lost six men. Their names are known to your correspondent. Four of them rank with the best players in the country. For obvious reasons I cannot make public these names, but evidence of the truth of the assertion has been furnished me in a shape that forces conviction. The Chicago Unions will lose one of their strongest men. He deserted when he found Corcoran had changed his mind. Legitimate base ball interests have been greatly strengthened by this convention.
-Cleveland Herald, January 12, 1884

Obviously, the two players signed by Sullivan were Scott and Roach. As always, I love the Herald's spin on the story. Sure, Sullivan signed two players but they weren't any good and, in the meantime, four of the best players in the country deserted the UA. Good stuff.

Also, it's of interest that the Herald states that Sullivan was signing players "for the Union Association" and not, specifically, for the Maroons. This is evidence that Sullivan was acting as an agent for the league as a whole and not just for the Maroons. While this isn't anything earth-shattering, it's not something that I've touched on before. So let it be dully noted that I've now mentioned it.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sullivan Signs A Couple Of Players

Milton Scott, the first baseman of the Fort Waynes, and William Roach, shortstop of the Bay Citys of last season, were engaged in Chicago yesterday by T.P. Sullivan for the Lucas Club of St. Louis.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 11, 1884

Neither Mikado Milt Scott nor William Roach played for the Maroons in 1884. Scott played with Detroit and I have no idea who Roach played with. I'll have a little more on this tomorrow.

Friday, June 3, 2011

More Predictions

The Philadelphia Record remarks that with the players already signed and T.P. Sullivan as manager, the Lucas-Wainwright St. Louis Club should have a walk-over in the Union Association.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 9, 1884

I find it interesting that already, in early January, the Maroons are seen as the class of the UA and everyone was predicting that they'd win the league. I'm not saying that that view wasn't correct or obvious but I just think it was a little early to have that kind of concensus.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Predictions For 1884

Base ball prophets are predicting already the champions for 1884. It looks to us as if Cincinnati or the Athletics had the call in the American, Boston in the League, St. Louis in the Union Association, Richmond in the Eastern League, Altoona in the Inter-State and Dayton in the Ohio League.
-Cleveland Herald, January 8, 1884

I'm not sure what happened in the Eastern League, the Inter-State League or the Ohio League in 1884 (and don't really feel like looking it up) but Providence won the League in 1884 and New York won the AA.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dunlap Knows What Is Good For Dunlap

Base ball matters are booming now. No less than twelve associations are looking for players, four of them for first-class ones. And there is room for all. The Union League has finally thrown off the Lucas influence, will go its own way, sign the National agreement, and live honestly. I am glad of it. There has been altogether too much bitterness used as it is. But the Union Association is responsible for it. The man or corporation who will not defend its rights is a poor one. There is no reason for believing that the Union will take less lofty ground. It will be necessary if they want to exist.

[Larry] Corcoran has left them. He signed with his old club, the Chicagos, on Saturday...

Dunlap will follow, if he is wise. He will find that Cleveland can better afford to lose him than leave its stand. Dunlap is another of your would-be capitalists. He likes money and saves it. One thousand dollars meant a good deal to him, but it is questionable if two months' pay at $3,500 is worth six months at $2,100 or so. That's what it means. The Unions will never finish the season, and must break up after at most a month or two of play. Then Dunlap will be in the position of a man with a talent for which there is no field, for he will be expelled by the old associations...

But Dunlap is of good habits, a fine player, and though with no book learning, knows what is good for Fred Dunlap. He'll return.
-Cleveland Herald, January 7, 1884